田宮梨江子供たちも集中してとっても楽しく作品を作れました! 唯一無二の作品、飾るのが楽しみです😊 (Translated by Google) The kids were able to concentrate and have a lot of fun making their creations! I'm l...子供たちも集中してとっても楽しく作品を作れました!
(Translated by Google)
The kids were able to concentrate and have a lot of fun making their creations!
I'm looking forward to displaying these one-of-a-kind creations 😊 -
J Sa楽しかったです。子供は自由に色が使えて好きなようにできて満足です (Translated by Google) It was fun. I'm happy that my child can use the colors freely and do what he likes.楽しかったです。子供は自由に色が使えて好きなようにできて満足です
(Translated by Google)
It was fun. I'm happy that my child can use the colors freely and do what he likes. -
小宮山春花集中できる空間でとても楽しかったです! 自分好みのうさぎさんを作ることができました❤︎ ありがとうございました🫶🏻 (Translated by Google) It was a lot of fun in a space where I could concentrate! I was ...集中できる空間でとても楽しかったです!
(Translated by Google)
It was a lot of fun in a space where I could concentrate!
I was able to make a rabbit just the way I wanted it❤︎
Thank you very much🫶🏻 -
スカラビア推しの腐女子楽しかったです!🫣 (Translated by Google) It was fun! 🫣楽しかったです!🫣
(Translated by Google)
It was fun! 🫣 -
渡辺あかね楽しかったです!また作りたいです! (Translated by Google) It was fun! I want to make it again!楽しかったです!また作りたいです!
(Translated by Google)
It was fun! I want to make it again! -
riichi honda楽しみにしてたベアアート!分かりやすく丁寧に教えてもらえたので子供でも作ることができて楽しかったです!娘たちも喜んでいていい思い出になりました! (Translated by Google) I was looking forward to the...楽しみにしてたベアアート!分かりやすく丁寧に教えてもらえたので子供でも作ることができて楽しかったです!娘たちも喜んでいていい思い出になりました!
(Translated by Google)
I was looking forward to the bear art! The instructions were easy to understand and detailed, so even kids could make it and it was fun! My daughters were happy too and it was a great memory! -
K N子供も楽しく出来てよかった!またきます! (Translated by Google) I'm glad the kids had fun too! I'll be back!子供も楽しく出来てよかった!またきます!
(Translated by Google)
I'm glad the kids had fun too! I'll be back! -
井上真有紀スタッフの方が優しく教えていただき、とても楽しい体験が出来ました。 (Translated by Google) The staff taught me kindly and I had a very enjoyable experience.スタッフの方が優しく教えていただき、とても楽しい体験が出来ました。
(Translated by Google)
The staff taught me kindly and I had a very enjoyable experience. -
うい楽しい😀 (Translated by Google) Fun 😀楽しい😀
(Translated by Google)
Fun 😀 -
NN YY自由に作品作りができて、5歳の娘は大喜びでした!予約枠も少なめに設定されているのか、ゆったりできてよかったです! オプションでリボンなど選べるのも良かった。仕上がりが楽しみ♪ (Translated by Google) ...自由に作品作りができて、5歳の娘は大喜びでした!予約枠も少なめに設定されているのか、ゆったりできてよかったです!
(Translated by Google)
My 5-year-old daughter was so excited to be able to create her own creations! I'm glad I was able to relax, probably because the reservation slots were set at a small number!
It was also nice to be able to choose ribbons as an option. I'm looking forward to the finish♪ -
高橋龍樹説明も分かりやすく、アート自体も簡単で楽しかったです。 (Translated by Google) The explanations were easy to understand, and the art itself was easy and fun.説明も分かりやすく、アート自体も簡単で楽しかったです。
(Translated by Google)
The explanations were easy to understand, and the art itself was easy and fun. -
ONE OPとてもイケてるベアーのフィギュアを製作できるナイススポットです! オーナーのユウト君の5歳からの夢である『貧困地域におにぎり1000個を自分の力で届けたい』という素敵な目標に向かって頑張ってます😊 是非...とてもイケてるベアーのフィギュアを製作できるナイススポットです!
(Translated by Google)
It's a nice spot where you can make really cool bear figures!
We are working hard towards the wonderful goal of owner Yuto, who has had a dream since he was 5 years old: ``I want to deliver 1,000 onigiri to impoverished areas with my own efforts'' 😊
Please come and experience bear art 🙇♂️ -
いちご初めてベアアートを体験しました!! 自分で選んだ色がどんな模様を描くのか、最後までわくわくしながら作成することができました。 (Translated by Google) I experienced bear art for the first time!! I was a...初めてベアアートを体験しました!!
(Translated by Google)
I experienced bear art for the first time!!
I was able to create it with excitement until the end, wondering what kind of pattern the colors I had chosen would create. -
Kento Fujisawa
ryuuto suzuki雰囲気が良く楽しかったです! (Translated by Google) It was a great atmosphere and fun!雰囲気が良く楽しかったです!
(Translated by Google)
It was a great atmosphere and fun! -
ドラゴン竹内楽しくできました!ありがとうございました! (Translated by Google) It was fun! thank you very much!楽しくできました!ありがとうございました!
(Translated by Google)
It was fun! thank you very much! -
m前にテレビで見て、子供とずっと行きたくてやっと行けました!とても楽しく制作できました!無料でラメなどもつけられるのが魅力的です✨コツなども親切に教えて頂きありがとうございました😊 (Translated by Goog...前にテレビで見て、子供とずっと行きたくてやっと行けました!とても楽しく制作できました!無料でラメなどもつけられるのが魅力的です✨コツなども親切に教えて頂きありがとうございました😊
(Translated by Google)
I saw it on TV a while ago and wanted to go with my kids for a long time, so I finally got to go! It was a lot of fun to make! It's attractive that you can add glitter for free ✨ Thank you for kindly teaching me the tips 😊 -
まめ初めてのベアアートでしたが、丁寧に教えてくださりとても楽しくできました!スタッフさんが近くに居てくださるので分からないことがあればすぐに聞くことができました☺︎ フィギュアもたくさんあったのでまた行き...初めてのベアアートでしたが、丁寧に教えてくださりとても楽しくできました!スタッフさんが近くに居てくださるので分からないことがあればすぐに聞くことができました☺︎
(Translated by Google)
It was my first time doing bear art, but I had so much fun with the detailed instructions! The staff were nearby, so if there was anything I didn't understand, I was able to ask them right away ☺︎
There were a lot of figures, so I want to go again ❕ Thank you very much ❕ -
yuma誕生日に連れて行ってもらって 初めて訪問しました。 丁寧に教えていただき、 とても綺麗に作ることができました。 お値段もお手頃で 良い経験ができて大変満足です。 (Translated by Google) Please take me ...誕生日に連れて行ってもらって
(Translated by Google)
Please take me to my birthday
It was my first time visiting.
Thank you for teaching me carefully.
I was able to make it very beautifully.
The price is also reasonable
I'm very happy that I had a good experience. -
裕翔丁寧な説明で分かりやすく、楽しく作ることが出来ました。また機会があれば、行きたいと思いました。 (Translated by Google) The detailed explanations made it easy to understand and I had fun making it. ...丁寧な説明で分かりやすく、楽しく作ることが出来ました。また機会があれば、行きたいと思いました。
(Translated by Google)
The detailed explanations made it easy to understand and I had fun making it. If I had the chance, I would like to go there again. -
いちご大福自分好みのクマさんが作れてとっても楽しかったです!🧸 (Translated by Google) It was a lot of fun to make your own bear! 🧸自分好みのクマさんが作れてとっても楽しかったです!🧸
(Translated by Google)
It was a lot of fun to make your own bear! 🧸 -
佐藤耕平配色など迷えば迷うほど混乱してしまいますがとても楽しかったです! 届くのが待ち遠しいです♪ (Translated by Google) The more you get confused about the color scheme, the more confusing it gets, but it...配色など迷えば迷うほど混乱してしまいますがとても楽しかったです!
(Translated by Google)
The more you get confused about the color scheme, the more confusing it gets, but it was a lot of fun!
I can't wait for it to arrive♪ -
kota kana熊のアートのやつ、ずっとやりたくて予約してもらって行ってきた!蔵前駅から徒歩圏内にある所でめちゃ楽しかった🤩 (Translated by Google) I've always wanted to do the bear art thing, so I made a reservat...熊のアートのやつ、ずっとやりたくて予約してもらって行ってきた!蔵前駅から徒歩圏内にある所でめちゃ楽しかった🤩
(Translated by Google)
I've always wanted to do the bear art thing, so I made a reservation and went! It was a lot of fun as it was within walking distance from Kuramae Station 🤩 -
舘野比与梨子ども6歳と9歳でやりました! 楽しかったです♪ (Translated by Google) I did this with my kids who were 6 and 9 years old! It was fun♪子ども6歳と9歳でやりました!
(Translated by Google)
I did this with my kids who were 6 and 9 years old!
It was fun♪ -
m asずっとやってみたかったアート体験へ 土台選びも塗料選びもとても自由度が高く ある程度事前にイメージを決めていたものの 実際に店舗で拝見してだいぶ変わりました! 迷うよりも思いきりよくやった方が上手く行...ずっとやってみたかったアート体験へ
(Translated by Google)
Experience the art you've always wanted to try
You have a lot of freedom in choosing the base and choosing the paint.
Although I had decided on an image in advance to some extent,
I actually changed a lot when I saw it in the store!
It was better to do my best than to get lost.
It was fun! -
CInstagramで何度も拝見していたので体験に行けたのが嬉しかったです! 作り方、色の選び方などの工程を丁寧に教えていただきとても助かりました✨ 今回は大きいくまさんでしたが、また旅行で来た際にはキーホルダ...Instagramで何度も拝見していたので体験に行けたのが嬉しかったです!
(Translated by Google)
I had seen it many times on Instagram, so I was happy to be able to try it out!
It was very helpful for me to carefully explain the process of how to make it, how to choose colors, etc.
This time it was a big bear, but I would like to try making keychains when I travel again!
thank you very much! -
不滅のアスカ思ったより簡単でとても楽しかった❣️ 何度でも来たくなりました🙆♀️ (Translated by Google) It was easier than I expected and a lot of fun❣️ I want to come again and again 🙆♀️思ったより簡単でとても楽しかった❣️
(Translated by Google)
It was easier than I expected and a lot of fun❣️
I want to come again and again 🙆♀️ -
齊藤綾梨とても楽しく作ることが出来ました!! (Translated by Google) I had so much fun making it! !とても楽しく作ることが出来ました!!
(Translated by Google)
I had so much fun making it! ! -
和田歩巳友達と思い出作りで作りに来ました♪ すごい色合いが難しかったけど来てよかった!ありがとうございました!❤︎ (Translated by Google) I came here to make memories with my friends ♪ It was difficult to get...友達と思い出作りで作りに来ました♪
(Translated by Google)
I came here to make memories with my friends ♪
It was difficult to get the perfect color, but I'm glad I came! thank you very much! ❤︎ -
あみ楽しかったです🩵 (Translated by Google) It was fun 🩵楽しかったです🩵
(Translated by Google)
It was fun 🩵 -
串山明日香カラフルな可愛いクマが作れてとっても楽しかったです。 (Translated by Google) It was a lot of fun to make cute and colorful bears.カラフルな可愛いクマが作れてとっても楽しかったです。
(Translated by Google)
It was a lot of fun to make cute and colorful bears. -
篠置世偉自分の好きなデザインにできて、楽しかったです。そして、初めての人も上手くできるようにスタッフさんが丁寧に教えてくれるので安心します。 (Translated by Google) It was fun to be able to create a design...自分の好きなデザインにできて、楽しかったです。そして、初めての人も上手くできるようにスタッフさんが丁寧に教えてくれるので安心します。
(Translated by Google)
It was fun to be able to create a design that I liked. Also, the staff will carefully teach you so that even first-timers can do it well, so you can rest assured. -
島隼紀初めてのベアアートでしたが丁寧に教えてもらいイメージしていたものができました! また機会があれば利用したいです! (Translated by Google) It was my first time doing bear art, but I was able to create...初めてのベアアートでしたが丁寧に教えてもらいイメージしていたものができました!
(Translated by Google)
It was my first time doing bear art, but I was able to create what I had imagined after being taught carefully!
I would like to use it again if I have a chance! -
てつとても楽しく作る事が出来ました😊 また来たいなと思いました!! (Translated by Google) I had a lot of fun making it 😊 I wanted to come again! !とても楽しく作る事が出来ました😊
(Translated by Google)
I had a lot of fun making it 😊
I wanted to come again! ! -
yy色んなカラーやパーツがあってとても楽しめました!ありがとうございます! (Translated by Google) I had so much fun with all the different colors and parts! thank you!色んなカラーやパーツがあってとても楽しめました!ありがとうございます!
(Translated by Google)
I had so much fun with all the different colors and parts! thank you! -
萌莉優しく教えて頂いて娘も楽しくできました 道に迷い少し遅れてしまいましたが丁寧に対応して頂けてよかったです! (Translated by Google) My daughter was able to have fun thanks to your kind instructions. ...優しく教えて頂いて娘も楽しくできました
(Translated by Google)
My daughter was able to have fun thanks to your kind instructions.
I got lost and was a little late, but I'm glad you were able to help me out! -
BIG HIGHずっとやりたかった体験ができてとても楽しかったです! 満足のいく作品ができました🔥 (Translated by Google) It was a lot of fun and I was able to experience something I had always wanted to do! I was ...ずっとやりたかった体験ができてとても楽しかったです!
(Translated by Google)
It was a lot of fun and I was able to experience something I had always wanted to do!
I was able to create a work that I was satisfied with🔥 -
みかわいいクマ作れて楽しかったです🫶 (Translated by Google) It was fun to make a cute bear 🫶かわいいクマ作れて楽しかったです🫶
(Translated by Google)
It was fun to make a cute bear 🫶 -
Yurikaとても丁寧に教えていただきました! 初めての経験でしたが、楽しかったです!! (Translated by Google) You taught me very carefully! It was my first experience, but it was fun! !とても丁寧に教えていただきました!
(Translated by Google)
You taught me very carefully!
It was my first experience, but it was fun! ! -
KOTORI説明が丁寧でわかりやすくとても楽しかったです。また利用したいです (Translated by Google) The explanations were thorough and easy to understand, and it was a lot of fun. I would like to use it again説明が丁寧でわかりやすくとても楽しかったです。また利用したいです
(Translated by Google)
The explanations were thorough and easy to understand, and it was a lot of fun. I would like to use it again -
권순영loveすごく楽しくて、貴重な思い出ができました!!ほんとに教え方も優しくてほんとにほんとにたのしかったです! (Translated by Google) It was a lot of fun and I made some precious memories! ! The way he ta...すごく楽しくて、貴重な思い出ができました!!ほんとに教え方も優しくてほんとにほんとにたのしかったです!
(Translated by Google)
It was a lot of fun and I made some precious memories! ! The way he taught was really kind and it was really fun! -
hinami sugawara可愛いフィギュアが完成しました。 親切に教えていただきありがとうございました。 子供たちもとても楽しかったと言ってます。 ラメとかたくさん種類があって良かったです。 (Translated by Google) A cute figu...可愛いフィギュアが完成しました。
(Translated by Google)
A cute figure has been completed.
Thank you for your kind explanation.
The children also said they had a lot of fun.
It was great to have so many types of lame. -
小野智美小学生の娘が楽しそうに作っていました。好きな色で作れて良かったと言っていました。他にも色々な種類の形があると良いと思いました。また行きたいです! (Translated by Google) My elementary school daughte...小学生の娘が楽しそうに作っていました。好きな色で作れて良かったと言っていました。他にも色々な種類の形があると良いと思いました。また行きたいです!
(Translated by Google)
My elementary school daughter had fun making it. She said it was great that she could make it in her favorite color. I thought it would be nice to have a variety of other shapes. I want to go again! -
masa自由に楽しく体験できました! スタッフのお兄さんも穏やかでやりやすかったです! (Translated by Google) I had a free and fun experience! The staff member was also very calm and easy to work with!自由に楽しく体験できました!
(Translated by Google)
I had a free and fun experience!
The staff member was also very calm and easy to work with! -
べにまる独創的なものが作れて楽しかった! (Translated by Google) It was fun to create something unique!独創的なものが作れて楽しかった!
(Translated by Google)
It was fun to create something unique! -
紅美櫻井楽しかったです! (Translated by Google) It was fun!楽しかったです!
(Translated by Google)
It was fun! -
小林大輝色の塗り方などを丁寧に教えてもらえてやりやすかった! フィギュアの種類も多くて良かった (Translated by Google) It was easy to do as she carefully taught me how to apply the colors! It was nice to ha...色の塗り方などを丁寧に教えてもらえてやりやすかった!
(Translated by Google)
It was easy to do as she carefully taught me how to apply the colors!
It was nice to have so many types of figures. -
髙松宏樹楽しかったです👌 (Translated by Google) It was fun👌楽しかったです👌
(Translated by Google)
It was fun👌